Friday, March 14, 2008

Ah, Well

Another Day, Another Excuse

Nice day. Came home and fed the Boys.

Thought about going out to ride, even though the wind was picking up.

Then Stacie called to report on her appointment with the acupuncture vet. Turned out she was about 10 miles away, so in short order, we set it up to meet at our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner.

We had a great time. Good conversation and tasty food.

Dr. Kenney, the acupuncture vet, really feels that the bulk of Lucky's problems are coming from his muscle atrophy in his right shoulder and his chronic neck problems. The theory is that if those issues are resolved he will be much sounder.

At this point, Stacie is not holding out much hope that she will ever really be able to ride and compete Lucky any more, but she does want him to have a happy and contented life at her farm as a "pasture ornament"--retired horse. Miracles can happen though, and Lucky does deserve a chance.

He is, though limping, quite happy and doesn't seem to be too distressed. Stacie says sometimes his ankle has heat, and sometimes not, so it's hard to tell just what is going on. In the meantime, by using special herbs and alternative treatments, they are doing all they can to keep him comfortable.

Dark out now. Again, I didn't ride.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like lucky's doing really well considering where he was when you first posted about him!
