Saturday, June 02, 2007

Not Much To Report

Hot Again

Or humid. Just a little effort this morning had me sweating. Up in the high 80's but very damp.

Chance had managed--probably with help from Tucker--to until the corral panels from the run-in shed some time in the night, so he was out when I went out to feed this morning. Clever little fellow has been working on the knots for a while, I guess. I know Tucker knows a few of the ins and outs of the corral panel chain fasteners, so I am sure he was a partner in the great escape.

Cleaning the shed, the stalls and replacing the panel wore me out as the morning heat began to build.

After a respite, I headed off to the feed store to get grain and other supplies. By then is was early afternoon. I took another break and then headed out to do a bit of lawn mowing with the new tractor.

It runs beautifully, but until I get the mower set just right, I can't say it's as good as the old one in doing a good mow. Still, I played with the adjustment a little and the back lawn looks pretty good. I didn't start on the front yet as I need to get some gas and I didn't want to run out too far from the garage.

Came back in and my friend called to see if we were still on for dinner. I took a quick shower and he arrived shortly after. We went to a local restaurant--a nice place and had a really good meal.

Now it's dark and frankly, not much cooler. The grain is still in the car and the horses haven't been worked again.

I'll be going out for late feed after midnight. If it's cooled off by then, I'll get some chores done and maybe lunge Tucker a little.

In the meantime, I'm relaxing in the air conditioning, just making plans.

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