Friday, October 16, 2009

Sorta Rainy

And Definitely Chilly

Rather miserable weather. It rained all night so everything is a soggy mess.

Amazingly, it was more drizzly than "poury" this morning, so I did manage to let Tucker out in the riding arena/pasture for some limited mud turnout. The other Boys were with him, so he was quite happy and the fences seemed to stay intact.

I have surrendered the concept of riding in the muck for the remainder of the weekend if the forecast holds. It is not pretty out there. It does look as if it may clear by Monday, so that's good.

I was at the County meeting last night when the Freeholders voted on the farm preservation resolution. It was a really special moment. As I've said, we've been working for over five years to save the farm. It has been on the Open Space list since around 1999, so altogether it has taken over ten years to accomplish the goal. To say we have had to be determined is an understatement. Somehow, our citizens' group managed to keep the project in the limelight for all that time.

Next week we hope to have some kind of "ribbon cutting" ceremony on the property, just to make it real. I guess I will be a bit busy with helping to organize that.

Sometime soon, though, I want to take Chance for a ride along the property. There is actually a dirt road around most of the 188 acres which I would love to see become a designated horse trail. But that is part of the future. For now, I'll just enjoy the moment.

After all, that's what a horse would do.

Side note: Let Tucker out for a while this afternoon because it was not raining, and I knew he would have to be in for most of the weekend. He came in without that front shoe again. This time I found it, though. Bummer.

Well, at least I won't miss out on riding him, as it will be raining. *sigh*


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Yucky cold rain, and more of the same - perhaps better by tomorrow. That is annoying about the shoe - at least you found it right away.

    The farm preservation is such an accomplishment - with all the development going on - one of the positives in the recession has been the slow-down in the breakneck pace of development. Our forest preserve district has done an outstanding job of land preservation in our county, together with some other public and private groups. It gives some relief from the strip malls and ugly housing tracts.

  2. Wonderful news about the farm preservation. It just goes to show that if everyone sticks together good things can be accomplished. It would be great if horse trails could be designated and the ATV's and motorized vehicles could be kept off of them.
