Monday, October 05, 2009

Monday Blues

Still Limping

Tucker is better, but still not sound. On a good note, I do not feel a pulse in his foot or any extra heat. This does not mean too much if an abscess is brewing. When he had the abscess that went on for weeks, there wasn't much in the way of symptoms either, except his being "off."

Still he is improving. And to make matters more ironic, I allowed him into the front paddocks today as things had dried out considerably. I put piles of hay in the pasture, but he and Toby elected to hang out in the front, so I gave them some hay there. Lo and behold, I found the missing shoe!! Right there by the fence where I had searched twice! I know I looked there. It was pretty obvious today when I did see it. So perhaps it was under something and got kicked out today? Bummer. At least I have one very nice front shoe for Tucker should he need one. I wonder if I put it in a plastic bag if I can stop it from rusting?

That leads to the fact that Chance was hanging out by himself in the riding arena, quite a ways away from his elders. Don't know what's going on at the moment, but the herd has a definite divide.

After I "test lunged" Tucker, I lunged Chance...all this because I spent the morning doing paperwork and the afternoon at the dentist. Then, I took him for a nice little walk in the woods, leading him on the lunge. He did seem to enjoy the time with me and was quite cheery out there. I let him nibble on a few trees and just enjoyed the lovely weather and his presence. Not the best for my knees and ankles, but I am ever determined to press on, even when things ache.

Chance is one of those horses that just likes to be around people and doesn't need treats to keep him interested. Toby is like that too, provided he's sure you have no intention of capturing him for work. As I've said, he's earned his retirement, but I do like to ride him now and then to keep him at least a little fit. Tucker is a "stomach horse" who is "all over you" for a treat. But he does get curious now and then and definitely doesn't like to be left out if he thinks one of the other Boys is getting "non food" attention.

Since I have a nice jar of applesauce, I am going to dose up a bit of bute as the vet suggested as an option for Tucker and give him some for three or four days. Maybe if I treat the inflammation in his hoof it will get better. Otherwise we may be in for a long stretch of waiting until something brews and blows. Hate that.

And I really do want to find out if there is any difference in his hind end since the acupuncture.

Ah well, back to, "There's always tomorrow."


  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Hope Tucker feels better soon - if it's a hoof abscess, that's no fun but at least it will get better - eventually. Don't you hate it how the lost shoe always turns up after the farrier has been!

  2. I've found shoes long after the farrier has come and gone. That's so annoying. Hope that Tucker gets to feeling much better in a hurry.
    It's so nice you got to spend some quality time out on the trail even if the joints are aching, at least you got to enjoy the nice weather.

  3. coat the shoe with some oil to keep the air off and prevent rusting.
