Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Still Working After All These Years

Back At School

I am actually on my third day of a three-day substituting stint at the Academy. I've been teaching English again.

Traffic has eased a bit, but I am still getting home close to sunset. Once again, the Boys are on "hold," for riding.

Add to all this that I am singing a solo concert this week, so I've had some rehearsals to contend with. I'll be doing a series of songs based on Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses. I've performed these before, but both I and my accompanist were a bit rusty on some of the finer points. Hopefully it will all come together.

First chance I get, I wll take a picture of the Boys dressed in their very bright orange sheets. I must say, they certainly do stand out from the crowd--and their surroundings--in their "garb." The tmperature is kind of bouncing around all over the place, but it looks to have settled into the mid-50's F at least for the day.

Hopefully, I will get some riding in soon again and, of course, I have to visit Rick's Saddle Shop for his 20% off everything in the store sale--including feed. And, he has a drawing for a $1000 shopping spree at the store. I have entered every year since practically the first drawing and so far, no winner. (You get one raffle ticket for every $50 you spend as well as one for just going in the door.) I have had two friends win over the years, so that's nice.

So, it looks as if my calendar is filled up again.

Kind of fun being here at school, but it does cut into my "doing nothing" time. *S*


  1. The sale and raffle sounds like fun, hope you win this time. That would be great. You're so busy between teaching and rehearsing no wonder you have no time to ride. Maybe next week, hope the weather holds.

  2. Wow, you are busy! And here I am not even looking for a job. It's hard to stop and start working horses, I would think. But it's nice to have a little extra money to spend at those tack shop sales :-)

  3. Love the idea of RL Stevenson put into song. Land of Counterpane? The Railway Carriage? I still pull that book out occasionally. It's true many of his poems have a tempo.

  4. You are such a busy bee. Take time yopurself too ;-)
