Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Picture Fest

Time for Pictures and a Lunge

I was up early and lunged Chance and Tucker. Both of them were really annoyed by the flies, but I still managed a few pictures. Here you go:
Here's Chance in mid stride.
Hey, these flies are really annoying.
REALLY annoying!!
Tucker takes off.
And keeps going.
He attacks the "killer" sheet.
Trots a little.
Bucks a little.
Bucks a lot--right out of the picture.
While Toby says, "Where's breakfast?"
And Patches, who is now my best buddy, wonders what all the fuss is about.  

Just as a additional note here.  Despite his bucking and general silliness, Tucker was moving really, really well. Not only is he sound on that problematic front foot, but he was bouncing off his feet, trotting with more natural energy than I have seen in a while.

He is currently on Healthy Edge, low carb, high fat feed with a magnesium supplement and additional oil.  While I am still not ready to make any snap judgments, it is possible that treating him as a metabolic horse might be making a difference. 

Once the weather truly breaks and I get back to putting some real work into him, I will know for sure.  But I was pleased with what I saw this morning. 


  1. Love the pictures! Chance is such a cutie. And Tucker is quite athletic, those bucks were impressive. I'm impressed with your camera skills, too. I'm not nearly coordinated enough to hold the lunge line and take a picture at the same time. *G*

  2. Love the pics and Tucker sure does look like he was having some fun! I am glad to her that he has been sound.

  3. Oh lunging pictures... Curse of the solitary rider.

  4. nice to see some pics of your gang in action.

  5. It's nice to see your guys in action. They're a a very handsome group and look good on the line.

  6. Yep I like Tucker's photos best. I could see that he has bounced in his feet! Very athletic.

    It is interesting what you are saying about the feed. Now that I have switched Teena to a feed for laminitic horses. Her legs have been looking REALLY good, no more swelling at all!
    AND her hindgut is not swollen anymore!

    (NOTE: I noticed it before I took her in the mountain where she keeps moving all day).
    Chance looks like a stud, with his massive neck.
    Perhaps a bit of diet ...

  7. Sad to say, Muriel, Chance IS on a diet. Strange though that in person his neck does not look as big as it does in the photos.
