Tuesday, April 17, 2007

X Ray Vision

...and a Bit of a Scare
I visited my chiropractor this morning during break and he took some x-rays of my shoulder, neck and lower back.

We had a bit of scare after the first set was developed because a shadow on my neck area looked like it might be a slight fracture. As it turned out, it was evidence of some arthritis and what may have been a very old injury to the area that gives me the chronic neck problems. He will be more thoroughly studying the pictures and comparing them to older x-rays and we will further discuss it tomorrow.

In the meantime, I essentially got a clean bill of health...except that my AC joint, where the shoulder and collarbone meet, is injured. I am icing it now even as I type.

Suffice it to say, I needed a ton of adjustments just about at every vertebrae from my waist on up. What a surprise...not. The funny thing is that everything felt pretty OK. As I have noticed many times before, the human brain/body generally only concentrates on one specific pain at a time--the most painful. So, if you have a bad toothache and a sore foot, your foot may feel just fine until you get the toothache taken care of. Right now, my shoulder has priority on the pain scale, so who notices the neck?
Kelly was going to come over for another dressage tune up but called to cancel, at first thinking my ring would be really under water. Not so. The footing is darn good with just the usual puddles. But, it was starting to rain again, and she had some extra school work to do.

I didn't even bother considering a ride myself. Maybe I'll do some light work tomorrow unless my doctor forbids the exercise.
Speaking of the flooding....I was, wasn't I? Here are a couple of pics. The first one shows the water running out of the warehouse basins. The other shows the flooded parkland, all of which is supposed to be dry. The poor trees have been under water for over a year now. I think some of them are dead. The towers you see are one of the electric lines and the flooded area underneat them used to be a dirt road you could drive/ride through.

An associate went back there today to look at things and was completely shocked. Below is the stream of water running through the farm field that has been tilled/planted for over 100 years that we know of for sure. Nothing will grow there now...except the geese.


  1. I knew the water would awful back there. I bet there will be no officials checking out the situation while it is at it's worst.

  2. good god. i take it you're putting hthose photos to all those people who said they'd sorted the problem, and to the press?
