Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Still Talking About the Weather

Winter Rears Its Uglier Head

First the bitter cold, now precipitation to accompany it--right now in the form of snow.

The trick is the roads are getting slippery as I can testify by how slowly cars are going on the road past my house--they usually rip by. To make matters worse, the snow is supposed to change to sleet and freezing rain later on.

But, tomorrow's forecast is for rain.

Darn it, because that's going to bring back the bad mud and I will have to restrict Tucker's turnout again. He is quite happy having the run of all the paddocks and the barn. It's the best situation for everyone anyhow as there is always shelter.

In the meantime, in case you haven't already surmised, I made no effort to ride or work anyone tonight. It is just too nasty outside.

But, of course, where are the Boys? Nice hay in each stall and they are out in the front paddock, coated in snow, eating the hay I put out this morning. (Waterproof winter blankets on.)

Go figure.


  1. Bitterly cold night minues 2-3 degrees C., and sunny and warm day 10 degrees C.
    The Yo tuned out horses yesterday ^-^
    Not trying to tease you :-p !

    But NO water ... summer is going to be hard :-(

  2. can't work in snow, jean, or rain....

  3. We had superb spring weather again today but it's gone now, with a bitter east wind in its place. I think we'llbe joining you back in winter tomorrow.

