Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy, With All Kinds of Stuff

And the Boys Are Fine

Somewhat not neatly dressed in their orange flysheets, the Boys are doing just fine, thank you.  They still seem to be hanging out in the barn a lot to escape the mosquitoes, but I do think the sheets are helping.

Well, at least helping where the mesh is intact and not full of gaping holes.  Soft mesh flysheets just do not have much "staying power" around playful horses.  I much prefer the vinyl mesh ones for the season, but the orange ones were more easily sorted out of my "blanket pile," so that's what we're using.  Last year's sheets may need a bit of repair here and there in the meantime.  Or, I may have to buy some replacements.  It's a matter of taking a good honest look at them to see what we can use and what needs to be tossed out.  The vinyl mesh does not repair well, and most of the time, once one of those sheets is ripped, it's a goner.

Meanwhile, I have been rehearsing for a concert I am giving tomorrow.  My pianist and I discovered yesterday that we needed some more practice in the room where we will be performing, so we have another rehearsal today.  I spent the morning at church already attending a memorial service for a friend's father.  There was a nice luncheon afterwards and I got to talk to a number of people I haven't seen in a while.

I''ll feed the Boys and head back for the rehearsal. I figure we will iron out all the little problems we uncovered yesterday so that Sunday will go well.

My back is feeling a bit better, although not yet 100%, and my knees are just....well, my knees--sometimes good, sometimes bad.  The weather has been almost ideal for riding and I'm just not up to it.  Here's hoping the coming week brings some more inspiration to get into the saddle.

Some pictures of the Boys trimming my grass on the back lawn.

And finally, some violets on the lawn.  By the way, the wild violet i the New Jersey Sate Flower.


  1. The boys look sooooo good in Orange ^-^ What a different place without the snow O_o I prefer it that way, all green with flowers ^-^

  2. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Glad the back is feeling somewhat better and hope the concert goes well.

  3. I'm sure the concert will be a huge success. Love the boys in orange and it's so nice of them to help you out by trimming the grass. Pretty violets too, one of my favorites. Glad the back is doing better.Hope you get in a ride soon.

  4. those fly sheets are rather good! very visible

  5. I look forward to hearing about the concert!
    Those orange fly sheets... on the plus side if the boys happen to get loose they sure will get noticed quickly!

    Hoping you get some horse time this week :)
