Saturday, February 07, 2009


Even As The Sun Goes Down

The snow is melting little by little. Had we had a resonable amount of sunshine, more would be gone, but it was overcast for most of the day. Still, the temps are up at last. Three cheers. Looks like they will stay more moderate for a while this time instead of just a day or so.

I cleaned the barn fairly well today. I've been picking out the stalls, but the cold made outside chores far to miserable to do a good job at anything, and the snow made pushing the wheelbarrow hard work too. Now it was relatively easy, so I did a pretty good job.

I still need to clean under both run in sheds, but that will have to wait until it thaws more and I can get the tractor in and out. Doing it all by hand is too much work for little old me.

The Boys seemed quite happy with the warmer temps too but I did not yet swap their insulated blankets for sheets. Tonight will cool down again. But tomorrow!! Tomorrow it will be warm enough for no sheets--although after the last mudfest I just may cover them in lightweight and avoid the extra grooming.

Not much more going on. I do have to go get feed tomorrow after church as I simply forgot to go today until it was too late. I was occupied with paying bills and getting some of my income tax documents together. Did a bit of housework, but didn't get too carried away. After all, it's not Spring yet. *G*

Wonder what excuse I'll have not to do the cleaning when Spring actually does arrive.


  1. You will be too busy riding to clean in the spring!


  2. this is true, mary lou ....but as she says, quicker with a tractor!
