Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nothing Much

On the Horse Front

I did almost finish the run in shed clean up, however. I still need to do a little in the corners and spaces close to the doors where the tractor could not go without damaging something.

Had to do a bit of forking the muck into the loader, however, as when it is wet, matted hay, it tends to roll out as you try to scoop it up.  I rather expect I am going to feel it tomorrow.

I also went to lunch with my good friend Shelley.  Some of you may recall, I have been helping her with her doctoral thesis/dissertation.  Well, I am delighted to announce she is now Doctor Shelley!!  She defended at the beginning of the week and was accepted by the panel of judges.  From what I can tell, they were very interested in the results of her research and we both hope some of her conclusions will be noted by people who can actually create some change in our schools.

She will be graduating in a week or so and she has invited me to the ceremony.  I am so excited for her and definitely plan to attend.  There are not many people I know who have worked harder for a degree and who have deserved it more. Shelley has overcome many obstacles on her way to this honor, and I am thrilled for her.

After liunch, I came home, watched some of the Rolex Three Day cross country on the USEF network on the Internet, and found myself caught up in it for nearly two hours.  Truly some amazing riders, but more amazing horses. The jumps were huge, with all kinds of challenging approaches and landings.  I did see one accident--Kristi Nunnick on R Star had a pretty dramatic fall. I can't find out any information as to whether Kristi is OK. Her horse was led off an looked fine. I know there were a few other falls, and one rider had on an inflatable vest which certainly worked. She looked all puffed up as she walked off the course--looking unharmed.

Every time I watch these events, I do get a little pang of nostalgia for the "good old days," when I galloped and jumped cross country. It really was a "high" when things went well. But you need the right horse, and also need to be in peak physical and mental condition to do it all well and safely.  I realized a long time ago I just didn't have the courage to continue.  But now and then, I do miss it.

I think Mary King of the UK is in first and second place. Hats off to her!! I can't even imagine making it through that course on one horse, let alone two! As much as I'd like a US rider to win, I will be rooting for Mary for sure.  She is one impressive lady!

Off to feed the Boys.....


  1. Springtime does bring a lot of extra work but I'm sure we'll all take it instead of shoveling snow.

    Congratulations to your friend. I'm sure with your help and her hard work she'll be a wonderful asset wherever she works.

    I've been busy so haven't watched the cross country.

  2. Last week end I watched Badminton horse trail. It was FANTASIC! I stayed glue to my screen watching the cross country, with my heart beating very fast and a knot in my throat. I was ONLY watching O_o Many falls at Badminton. It was big and too long, the horses got tired at the end and there were many dramatic horse falls!

    But they are the top of equitation regarding courage, heart, obedience and athletism horses and riders!

    Thanks for the USEF reining, but I was already in bed *G*

  3. mary king rocks! and I hear from people who've met her that she's a really nice person in person...

    and i see from teh results site that she has in fact won it (and been placed 2nd as well on her other horse). couldn't happen to a nicer person.

    the point 2 air jackets are excellent, i want one - ollie townsend was saved by one last year in the states when he had his bad fall...

    and you watch that back of yours!
