Friday, September 09, 2011

Off to Rehab

Well, That Was Interesting

My insurance will pay for my stay in rehab, but would not pay for my transportation to rehab.
A pittance compared to the expenses of the surgery, but because I was "ambulatory" I did not qualify for transport. I guess they thought I was going to walk here!

I called my friend Richard and he agreed to drive me from Philadelphia to Edison, NJ, for my next adventure.  Nothing exciting today as they will not do rehab on me today, and I am waiting to talk to the doctor about my program.

Kitties are fine at home as are the Boys, so all is well.  I have both a horsesitter and a house/kitty sitter.  Good people all.

Pain varies, and today I have much more swelling in both knees, but the right more than the left.  Hopefully the rehab exercises will help all that.

Off to explore the web.
Lost all my bookmarks, so I may not be visiting all your blogs.  But I think I put links on my Follywoods side bar.

See you next time.


  1. Well, isn't that just stupid about the insurance company not paying. I guess they figured you could drive yourself! Jerks.

    Anyway, glad you're in rehab that will get you healing faster and more mobile. My knee swelled up too, turns out the surgical stockings they make you wear were too small and tight. Hope that's not your problem and it's just a way for the knee to heal itself. Good luck in rehab.

    Glad the boys and kitties are all well. Sounds like you have good people and that's one less worry. Let us know how you're doing in rehab.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The weirdness and just plain stupidity of our health care insurance system never ceases to amaze me - not to mention the paperwork that's generated.

    Glad you've got a friend to drive you and that all is well at home so you can focus on your recovery.

  3. Glad you came through ok. My arm swelled up massively after I broke it. Come to find out, it was because the ER put the splint on way too tight. It might be that easy.

  4. My blog is here Jean ^-^

    I hope rehab will get you running soon ^-^
    One knee might be bigger than the other because you use one leg more than the other one.

    (((((big hudgs))))) and get well soon!

  5. think i'd be looking for a way of appealing that, then. did you ask them how they expected you to get there? and at least the rehab is back in your own state!
