Thursday, November 01, 2012

Pioneer Days

Back To The Past

Still no power.

Generator is off for warranty repair, but no date on its return.

Staying sort of warm, but using fireplace sparingly.

Need to find hay for the horses. Not out yet, but down to a few bales. My supplier is probably stuck someplace at his house and not likely to come to work across the street.  But I will drop by to check.

Also need to get water for the horses somehow. If I run out--maybe a day or so--I will call police to see if I can get some delivered.  Fire truck?????? I'm fine with water. I've always conserved and know how to get by with very little. I have gallon jugs and five gallon containers. That might last me the whole outage.

PSE&G now does not promise electricity until Friday, November 9.  Yuck. Keep hoping it may be sooner, but you never know. I'm in for the long haul.

Food in fridge, including a whole bunch of Omaha steaks has to go. Can't risk it as it's been too many days.

Food market is open, I think. Guess I will drop in to check on their wares. Maybe some non perishable cheese. I actually have enough food here but some little comfort food would be nice.

Besides chocolate--neighbor brought me 1 pound of Russell Stover assorted.

The pioneers had it better. At least they knew how to cope from the get go. *lol*



  1. Well that stinks! I do remember one time when we ran a small business and had no power the fire department came and helped us out. Good luck, ill be thinking of you with fingers crossed.

  2. oh dear.... not good! but pleased you're still with us (i know you were no where near the worst of it but one wants to know ones friends are fine(ish))

  3. Sorry to hear you're running out of horse supplies and losing your fridge, despite planning ahead. I hope things improve quickly - thinking of you!

  4. How awful!!! I canceled my trip. I wanted to come help you but Joe was worried about my being in a disaster area without him. Fire dept for water is your best bet. Boro hall in Monroe and Jamesburg are allowing people to charge cell phones and laptops, so they have power. You can probably fill jugs with water for yourself. Stay safe, stay warm.

  5. Yes, they were set up for it and knew what to do. But technology has made us dependent on technology. Nov 9th! So far away! I sure hope your generator gets fixed really soon.

  6. Thinking of you Jean.


  7. Hi Jean,
    my thoughts have been with you and your horses. Worst case scenario, you take your horses to the water. I believe you have a lake nearby. There surely must be flooded areas. My husband looked after cows during winter snows (a thousand years ago) and they only came out once a day to get a drink at the trough. Better than nothing.

  8. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Careful with taking your horses to the lake or any other outside water source. If there is any flooding and water exhange from an exterior source you could end up with some very sick animals. Flood water carries not only diseases but oil, chemicals, etc from who knows where. My prayers are with you and I wish I could send hay eastward.

  9. Man has been known to survive on chocolate alone for a very long time. I have faith you will survive.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  10. Anonymous5:11 PM

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