Friday, April 11, 2014

My Goodness!!

Getting Around

I am getting around better and better and sometimes can even use just one crutch instead of two.

I am extra glad to be out of the hospital. This morning on the news reports were coming in of an explosion in one of the rooms there. Details are vague but apparently there was a fire of some sort and an oxygen tank in one of the rooms exploded. There were some serious injuries, but as I said, all the information is not quite clear yet.

The explosion was on the 3rd floor and I spent my stay on the 4th floor. I don't know if any of the nurses or aides I met go from floor to floor in their work assignments. It seems one employee and one visitor were hurt. It's not clear whether it was a patient's room or some other room. The explosion was confined and there was not much, if any fire.

Scary, when you think of it. When I was in the hospital in Philadelphia with my knee replacements, there was a fire alarm and from what I could tell, it was not a drill. I put on my shoes and coat, just in case. A bit later one of the aides came into my room and was a bit taken aback that I was all ready to evacuate if there was any need. I guess being a school teacher for so long made me a bit more safety aware during an emergency alarm than most people. We had a number of significant "events" when I was teaching that taught me to get my coat and possessions whenever the alarm bells rang.

My prayers go out to those injured at the hospital. I hope they are going to be OK and have a speedy recovery. I can say they are in one of the best places to receive excellent treatment and care.

The Boys are doing fine under Debbie's care. I am doing the late night feeding again due to unforeseen circumstances, but it's not too difficult. With just one crutch, I can carry the flakes of hay without too much trouble and the grain is easy too.

I am a bit worried about Chance. As you may recall, he's been off and on lame all winter. Dr. Klayman did a good, thorough lameness exam this week and ended up blocking his right hind leg between the pastern and hock after eliminating a higher leg issue. He's pinpointed the area where Chance is sore and will be back to do an ultrasound next week. Various possibilities include suspensory damage which would have no treatment. It could mean an end to my riding him.

Chance will always have a home with me as long as he is comfortable enough to be a pasture ornament. It would be a shame because he really is a delight to ride and is a great trail horse--just what I need considering a certain large TB's unpredictable attitude.  I can, of course, still ride Toby and there is an open option to ride Chris's Arabian, but that's just not the same as taking a nice leisurely hack out on my Chanceypants.

For now, it's just wait and see.


  1. The fire makes me suspicious of a patient sneaking a cigarette. You never know what people will do. Hope the hurts are minor.
    Fingers crossed for Chance.xx

  2. Glad to hear you’re feeling better and getting around. Sorry to hear about Chance. But it might not be as bad as you think. I had a similar problem with Dusty about two years ago. Her injuries were not good to say the least.

    I didn’t know what to do but our vet gave us a few options and I went with the shock wave treatments. They can be done in the barn whereas the platelet therapy had to be done at the clinic. The platelet therapy is expensive and there is no guarantee it works. Also it needs to be done on a basically fresh injury. The shock wave is better off being done after the injury has calmed down and seems best suited to chronic conditions rather than acute ones.

    Since her injury was not fresh he suggested three shock wave treatments a few weeks apart to help her heal more quickly by stimulating repair in the affected area. She continued to get her laser light therapy at night and she also got medications. Which were: Ligand that is based on Dr. Kellon’s DSLD protocol to help heal her suspensories. She also gets her normal supplements which are: ½ multivitamin; joint supplement (Smart Flex Resilience) which has ingredients which is supposed to help and repair joints, tendons and ligaments (we don’t know if it necessarily works but as long as it can’t hurt, why not); additional magnesium in the form of Smart Calm Ultra -- she doesn’t need it for calming, but it has a lot of magnesium; Vitamin E – Uckele’s Vitamin E 5000 which is the best vitamin E supplement out there in our opinion. Believe it or not all this helped heal her suspensory and she is able to be ridden.

    If it does turn out to be a suspensory injury what we did with Dusty might help. Good luck with everything.

    1. Thanks so much. If I find out it is suspensory, I'll refer my vet to your protocol. He is such a nice horse it would be a shame to have to retire him.

  3. it would be a huge shame if chance ends up out of work, do hope it's sortable whatever it is you'll need something cool calm and collected to get you back in the saddle after your injury!

  4. Wow, how scary that this happened at the hospital. I am so glad you weren't there! I hope everyone is ok.

    I too know of a horse who has been treated with shock waves - though I am not sure it was exactly the same thing. I will ask Kelly if it was. I know that at least it was similar. I sure hope he will be sound enough to ride. He is your safe and fun horse.

    I am so happy to hear that you can get around with one crutch! Soon you won't be so sore or worn out from getting around just doing errands and chores.
