Sunday, December 08, 2013

Oh, No, Snow!!

But Not A Lot

The forecast was for rain, but cold air changed things and today it started to snow instead.

When? Shortly before Chris, Larry, and I rode out on a scheduled trail ride. We did the trail with the spooky spot for Nordisk in the opposite direction today, which was good. This time, although he was a bit "looky," he did not really spook at anything. But, you could tell by his general posture and caution that he was still a little worried. I think it was good that we rode through there today with all three horses, giving him a little more assurance that there are no monsters lurking about the area.

We headed along the edge of the woods and ended up at my pasture fence. My Boys were out there, a bit puzzled by the fact that I was there, aboard "another horse!"  They weren't quite a silly as we all expected with a minimum of trotting and galloping about. Larry tried to get a few pictures, but I'm not sure if he captured any of the excitement.

Our mounts were pretty well behaved, even when my Boys did their limited cavorting. I think the snow, which was already accumulating on the ground may have made the footing a little less certain in the pasture, but either way, I was kind of glad it didn't get too wild out there.

JJ was just a little more energetic than he's been in the past when I ride him, so the less excitement the better. Now, "more energetic" is a relative term with JJ when I ride him. He really tends to chill out with me, so wanting to actually walk out and at times be in the forefront of the ride was not quite his usual behavior. We're trying to figure out why JJ is so quiet when I ride him as Chris insists he can be a handful at times. While I would like to claim it's my riding, I am beginning to think the Ansur saddle may have something to do with it. If we get some nicer weather, Chris suggested I ride Juan--Larry's horse-- to see if he chills out with me too.

Today would NOT have been the day to try anything new. We cut the ride a little shorter than we might have because the snow was coming down harder and we were all getting colder and colder as time went on. Getting back in the truck with the heat on to drive home felt awfully good.

We just have a light cover of snow, perhaps an inch. It may accumulate a little more over the next few hours and then change over to rain. Frankly, that suits me just fine. I am not a fan of snow, no matter how pretty it might be. Although my outdoor Christmas lights do look nicer against the white background.

I have to admit, the ride was fun, regardless, but as I get older, being out in the weather does tend to bother me a bit more. Fortunately, I have learned, over time, how to dress pretty well, but I should have put on some waterproof breeches.

Next time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good ride even with the snow. It will be interesting to see whether the Ansur makes a difference with the other horse too.

    No snow here just pure ice everywhere. Everything is closed until the roads get de-iced. The poor dogs could barely make it up the steps after going out this morning.
