Thursday, March 07, 2013

Cocopuff is Fine!!

Good News!

Test results on Cocopuff are negative for leukemia and aids, so she is in the clear!

That means I am in the process of finding a little kitten buddy for her to play with.  The older boys have played a little with her, but her energy level requires another kitten of her age. The big cats get worn out and bored too fast, I fear. And frankly, dangling green thing toy for hours on end to amuse her is not exactly my idea of how to spend the day.

I have a lead on a kitten just rescued from the Humane Society in Newark. Now that may sound a bit strange, but that shelter is overfilled with stray/unwanted cats and the cat rescue I am dealing with does all it can to get cats out of there into a much more social and better environment.

I am pretty sure that my DJ and Reggie were originally from the Newark shelter, so perhaps they will have something to talk about with the new kitten if he comes here.

Meanwhile I need to make an appointment to get Coco spayed. The little companion will already be neutered and I only waited with Coco until I was sure the leukemia question had been resolved.

Patchadoodle, my long haired black and white boy escaped from the house yesterday and spent the entire day adventuring outdoors. We were caught up in the wind and rain of the nor'easter all day--fortunately not too much rain despite lots of wind. I can't believe Patches was having a good time out there, but I guess the excitement overshadowed his discomfort. I kept calling for him to come in, but it wasn't until almost 9 PM that he honored my request by coming to the door. I snagged him and got him inside where he seemed quite happy to be warm, dry and well fed.

Silly boy.

The horses were rather amusing every time I went outside to call Patches as they kept coming to the fence as if I were calling them instead. I suspect the general boredom of winter made my shenanigans quite the entertainment.

The good news is that Spring is actually threatening to arrive at any moment. Once the weather and temperature settles in to something more moderate, I will start working the Boys again. I simply cannot face going out in the cold weather any more. Time was, I rode all year long. Now I turned into a wimp about it.

Then again, there is another storm heading our way from across the country.

March can be quite a fickle month.


  1. Great news about Cocopuff! It must have seemed a very long wait for the results. I'm sure your new rescue kitty will be a welcome addition and lots of fun for everyone in the house. Silly Patches, didn't he know it was miserable outside and much better inside. Glad the boys are doing well. I guess we're all waiting for the "lamb" weather of March, I'm sort of sick of the "lion" roaring. That wind and snow last night was unbelievable.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Glad Cocopuff is OK - that must be a big relief! Another kitty . . .

  3. I always get excited for March, thinking that it's spring. And then I'm always disappointed. *LOL*

    Glad to hear Cocopuff is OK and going to be joining the clan!

  4. Welcome news on the kitten testing negative. How nice to think of taking a cat from the shelter both for the kitten's sake and to help out the shelter.

    Spring is here today! It's above 60 and only moderate wind. Unfortunately I had to work all day (though I am very glad for the income!) Like you winter may pay a visit soon though. Snow mixed with rain expected this weekend.
