Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good Footing

But It Needs a Grooming

The ring was very rideable tonight. It is amazing how fast the ground dries around here when the base is not frozen.

I do need to rake it with the drag, but I will wait another day as I also had a dozen bags of feed to unload. The saddle shop had a 20% off everything sale so I stocked up and will go back later in the week for another 10 bags or so.

Back at home after the shopping trip, I saddled up Tucker and rode him for a schooling session. I am not quite sure I am doing all the right things when I ride according to the Patrice Edwards' rules of the ride, but he was nice and forward the whole time, so that is always good.

I did find him trying to toss my seat off to the side on the right lead canter depart which was interesting, so he may be not quite "through" with his right hind. If he puts it slightly to the inside on the strike off to avoid pushing from straight under, that would twist my hip forward and put me onto the left seat bone. I focused on sitting very straight after that and got some better departs.

I think the layoff of nearly a week puts both of us off our mark a little. I know I don't quite get that "one with the horse" feel immediately, and have to concentrate quite a lot to get my seat to sink down around the horse. It is probably a consequence of being a little stiff in some of my joints. Ah, to be young again.

I didn't try to ride anyone else this time. The spector of 600 pounds of feed to unload was enough to make me think I didn't need to wear myself out riding.

Tomorrow is supposed to be warm and sunny. So, I guess I won't have any excuses--except that I still haven't had a chance to check out that hay for sale across the road.

So little time. So much to do.


  1. 600 hundred punds. Holy smoke that's a lot of work how do you do it?

  2. One fifty pound bag at a time....*G*
